CARM Release 2 Pushed May 2024

CBSA has made an announcement today that CARM Release 2 has been pushed from October 2023 to May 2024.

The proposed regulatory amendments continue on schedule with a planned coming-into-force date of May 2024, when CARM becomes the official system of record. Further enhancements are expected to become available in fall 2024. A forum will be established with key stakeholders to discuss implementation of this phased approach and application of regulations in support of CARM.

All commercial businesses who import goods into Canada need to register to the CARM Client Portal (CCP) before May 2024 to minimize border delays and benefit from the Release Prior to Payment (RPP) transition period.

Specifically, all importers who onboard the CCP prior to the coming-into-force date in May 2024 will be assigned RPP qualifying status for a 180 day transition period allowing them to adapt to this new model, while ensuring that border disruptions are mitigated. Commercial importers will still be able to obtain release prior to payment of duties and taxes during the transition period as they proceed to meet the requirement for financial security.


RPP Transition Plan Phase 2 (Release Prior to Payment- CARM)

The CBSA proposed regulatory package will introduce new regulations to allow for a Release Prior to Payment (RPP) transition period to help importers shift to the importer financial security model, where they must post financial security for their own accounts to realize the benefits of RPP program (i.e. Customs Brokers will no longer be allowed to post financial security to secure debt to the Crown on behalf of importers.)RPP Transition FAQ

In order to qualify for the transition period, an importer will be required to onboard to the CARM client portal before the go live date of CARM Release 2. The transition period will last for 6 months (180 calendar days) beginning on the go live date, scheduled for October 2023 – exact date to be announced.

Onion Pilot Project for Canadian Exporters of Onions to the USA

Please be advised that a new pilot project for exports of onions to the United States is now available. “Operational procedure: Onion Pilot Project for Canadian Partners in Quality Preventive Control Inspection.”

This procedure provides industry participants with the option to participate in the existing Canadian Partners in Quality (C-PIQ) Program. Industry can self-issue their own export documents when they meet all elements of the program. These elements include a valid and effective preventive control plan (PCP) under the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations (SFCR), a traceability program in place, and a good compliance history. This procedure, along with the current C-PIQ Program Manual, will provide the guidelines for this new pilot. Instead of having Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) inspectors doing grade verifications on every load of onions being exported, CFIA inspectors will do inspections in participating establishments a few times per year, as outlined in the operational procedure.

Onion exporters who are interested in learning more about the pilot project should contact their local CFIA office to enquire further. If exporters are requesting inspections from the CFIA on a frequent basis (that is once per week or more often), the CFIA recommends participating in the program. The pilot project offers increased flexibility to export onions to the United States as export documents are self-issued, and the overall inspection burden is reduced.

Please note that while there are fees associated with the program, for the 2021-22 shipping season, the $1042.44 annual CPIQ registration fee is waived for the pilot project. The pilot project will conclude on August 31, 2022.

CARM Phase 3 (Release 2) Implementation – January 2023

The CARM Portal (CPP) has now been divided into three (3) phases instead of the original two phases.  May 1, 2022 was the original deadline set by CBSA for importers to have in place the RPP Bonds (Annual Surety Bonds).   CBSA has moved the new deadline to January 2023 and renamed that new date Phase 3 (Release 2).  Annual Surety Bonds will only be mandatory as of January 2023.

Implementation of the Canada-United Kingdom Trade Continuity Agreement

On January 1, 2021, the United Kingdom (U.K.) departed the European Union (EU) Single Market, thus losing the preferential terms of trade that have been applied under the Canada-EU Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) since September 21, 2017.

As of April 1st, 2021 Canada and the U.K. have agreed to a transitional trade agreement that replicates and preserves access to the benefits provided in CETA on a bilateral basis.

Entitlement to the tariff benefits offered under the CUKTCA is determined in accordance with the Protocol on Rules of Origin and Origin Procedures of CETA, as incorporated by reference in the CUKTCA.

A blank CUKTCA form is available on our website in the “Forms” section.

CUSMA (Canada-US-Mexico Agreement) Replaces NAFTA on July 1, 2020

The Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA or also referred to USMCA) is scheduled to enter into force on , replacing the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).  There will be no transition period.  The CUSMA certificate and Continuation Page are both available in our Forms section of this website

Once the CUSMA comes into effect, any claims for preferential tariff treatment must satisfy the rules of origin requirements of the new agreement. For many goods, however, there will be no difference between the NAFTA and the CUSMA rules of origin.  The Rules of Origin document is available in our Forms section of this website

The importer will be able to claim the preferential tariff treatment under the CUSMA for goods released on or after the date of entry into force of the CUSMA.  It will not be possible to claim the preferential tariff treatment under the NAFTA for goods released after the CUSMA entry into force date.

The certification of origin may be completed by either the exporter, producer or importer of the goods and may be placed on an invoice or any other document.  Furthermore, the certification of origin may be completed, signed and submitted electronically.

To claim the preferential tariff treatment under the CUSMA, importers must have in their possession the CUSMA certification of origin completed by either the exporter, the producer or the importer at the time of importation.

The importer must provide the certification of origin for which the claim for preferential tariff treatment to the CBSA upon request.  You may read more about CUSMA- USMCA- TMEC at